If I Go Even A Few Days Without My Favorite Supplement, My Gut Feels It

There are so many supplements out there nowadays promising a variety of benefits depending on your needs. I have my few standbys, but there's one that I take religiously every day—and I immediately notice if I miss it, even for just a few days.
It's a probiotic, and since experiencing the benefits firsthand, I'll never stop telling all my friends and family to hop on the gut health train. Here's why.
Why I take a probiotic every day
I've been taking a probiotic for over four years now, and I've tried a few different brands and bacteria strains to find one that works best for me.
If you need a refresher on what a probiotic actually is, it's a supplement of live microorganisms, taken with the intent to help restore your gut microbiome with good bacteria, which can have a bunch of benefits. (Here's a quick list of our favorites to try yourself!)
The main reason I started taking probiotics, personally, was because I had read (on mindbodygreen, actually!) that eczema can be a sign of poor gut health but the right probiotic strains might help.
Lucky for me, they really did! And while I still get the occasional patch of dry skin here and there during the colder months, it doesn't even come close to how angry and inflamed my skin got before.
And the benefits of probiotics don't stop there. On the topic of skin, I noticed my acne improved along with the eczema. And when it came to digestion, after a few months of consistently taking probiotics, one day I realized, Wait, when was the last time I was even bloated? It's been a minute...
Where I once struggled with uncomfortable bloating and regularity issues, taking a probiotic daily has really helped my digestion stay regular and keep the bloat at bay.
When I don't take it, it's another story
By now I've set myself up with a subscription service so I never miss my daily probiotic. Once upon a time, however, I was buying them at the store, and there would always be a few days, or even a week when I would run out.
And to say I could feel the difference almost immediately is not an exaggeration. Not only does my body seem less primed to handle inflammation when I haven't taken my probiotic (i.e., itchy skin, angry acne, etc.), but my stomach is way more...noisy, for lack of a better word.
Of course, noticing the difference was enough encouragement for me to go pick up my next bottle, and now I try my hardest to avoid missing a day altogether.
The takeaway
If you're not on the probiotic train, it might be high time to hop on. Sometimes you don't realize how much better you can feel until you actually do the thing that makes you feel better, and for me, that was taking a quality, research-backed probiotic.

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