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Eclipses, Retrogrades & Saturn—Oh My! This Week's Horoscope Is Looking Intense

The AstroTwins
March 08, 2025
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
weekly horoscope
Image by mbg creative / unsplash
March 08, 2025
The stars are looking a bit chaotic this week, between Venus retrograde, Mercury retrograde, and the start of eclipse season—so buckle up! Here's your weekly horoscope.

Expressive Mercury sidles up to Venus retrograde on Tuesday, March 11

Tuesday’s spicy sync-up of Mercury and Venus in Aries is like a clarion call for “love warriors.” (No surprise: Aries Glennon Doyle wrote a book with that title.)

Situations could drive you to fight for your romantic ideals or to push past the fear of rejection and let your desires be known. More reserved types might feel emboldened, ready to engage in some heart-racing flirting. Whether you're typically shy or naturally audacious, today's the day to take the lead in love.

For long-term couples, healthy competition can spark up a feisty, sexy dynamic. Meet on the pickleball court, break out a board game, or challenge your partner to a bake-off. Make sure you play with the intention to win!

Wednesday is the "Day of Challenges” as the sun meets up with reality-checking Saturn

The effusive sun holds its once-per-year meetup with sobering Saturn today, teaming up in mystical, watery Pisces. This “Day of Challenges” can feel like an annual inspection as you subject your bright ideas to a series of stress tests.

While this may turn up some harsh realities, try to adopt a “better safe than sorry” approach. Knowing where your weak points lie can be useful data. Now you can avert a future crisis and know where you should redirect your energy so you aren’t wasting valuable time and resources.

Eclipse season begins on Friday, with the full moon total lunar eclipse in Virgo

Embrace the clean-girl aesthetic today as the year’s only full moon (2:55 a.m. EDT; 23°57’) in Virgo—a total lunar eclipse—scrubs away any resistance to taking great care of yourself.

This is the first eclipse in discerning Virgo since September 2016, so get ready for an unflinching life edit. If you’ve been slipping on healthy habits over the winter or slacking at work, you could get a stern wake-up call sometime over the next two weeks.

Since eclipses tend to reveal things that are hiding in the shadows, you may be mildly shocked by what you discover. Before things spiral out any further, lean into these meticulous moonbeams and straighten up your act.

General rule: As you implement new routines, try to keep them simple and manageable. Because this eclipse is opposed by the minimalist Saturn and hazy Neptune, the last thing you want to do is set yourself up for failure by making your goals overly complex.

Turn to technology for support with anything that is too complicated for you to make clear sense of. Is there an app for that? With wizardly Uranus trading friendly fire with the eclipse, an AI companion could lend an incredible assist, especially with Virgoan duties like progress-tracking and scheduling.

The first Mercury retrograde of the year starts Saturday, March 15

Brace for impact! Mercury darts into its first retrograde of 2025, muddling communication and throwing a wrench into neatly ordered plans.

From March 15 to 29, the messenger planet reverses course in the fiery sign of the ram, sparking a period of heated communications and potentially hasty decisions. Tempers will flare as words fly without thought. Go easy on the smack-talking and be careful not to start any needless rivalries.

Aries inspires quick action, but retrogrades demand caution. It may be necessary to pump the brakes on projects that require a more aggressive approach. Fine-tune personal goals and actions, ensuring they truly align with your ambitions.

When Mercury reverses back into Pisces in March 29, you can access a deep level of creativity and divine inspiration that supports rapid growth once the retrograde ends on April 7. Patience and precision are your allies now, so adjust your sails accordingly.

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